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Old time instruments and music
Noteworthy Instruments & John Huron

Thank you for visiting Noteworthy Instruments web page. Way back in 1990 a man set out on a quest to build an authentic Civil War period fretless banjo. What was to follow over the next 26 years was a series of events, people and places that if detailed would fill multiple volumes. King Solomon, arguably the wisest man who ever lived, penned "For everything there is a season ...." and after much soul searching I have discovered my season for making and selling musical instruments and teaching instrument building classes has come and gone. I will maintain this site for the foreseeable future, but no further orders will be taken. Prices shown are ca.2010 and are for reference purposes only. Lastly, if you are reading this and are a past customer or student I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart and truly "Thank you for pickin' a Noteworthy Instrument".

John Huron
March 2017

Oldtime Music CD


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Design by Jay Huron All media ©2010 John Huron